Aug. 2024
Progress to Date
A New Home for Maryland Hillel
Maryland Hillel is renowned for the vibrancy of its Jewish life, with students and staff developing initiatives and events. The new center will be a critical tool to both create community and enhance the student experience and strong culture of entrepreneurship.”
The BEN AND ESTHER ROSENBLOOM MARYLAND HILLEL CENTER will be a space for students to deepen their personal connection to Judaism and the Jewish community, receive leadership training, participate in social justice initiatives, eat, socialize and study. The center will transform the student experience at the intersection of the classroom and the dorm room. It will be a vibrant and dynamic space that reflects the entrepreneurial students who come here, the traditions they value and their aspirations for the future.
A NEARLY 40,000-SQUARE-FOOT CENTER will include a mix of dedicated and flexible spaces for uses big and small, casual and curated. The design acknowledges the many ways culture, leadership and civic engagement nurture our students during a pivotal time in their lives. Students turn to us for social justice initiatives, leadership training, and meaningful spring break and summer travel. Hillel also provides a critical link to Israeli culture and society through Birthright Israel trips, Israel groups and more. These opportunities require dynamic spaces that can serve a crowd or a small study group.
A MULTIFUNCTIONAL FIRST-FLOOR SPACE in the heart of the center will allow students to rearrange seating for a game night, snag a booth for a study group or settle in for impromptu entertainment on the performance stage. Hillel will continue to serve as a base for extracurricular activities ranging from a cappella concert—student groups will have access to a PROFESSIONAL-QUALITY REHEARSAL SPACE—to the Jewish Hackathon, a 24-hour technology competition that Hillel hosts each year.
Our new facility will offer a CAFÉ, OUTDOOR SEATING AND A FOOD HALL with three kosher dining options. A larger, efficient kitchen will expand our food-based outreach, including initiatives like the Gorlin Family Foundation Shabbat Across Maryland, in which 1,500 students participate in 75 Shabbat meals all on one night.
FOUR MULTIPURPOSE ROOMS on the second floor, with the largest seating up to 470 guests, offer a perfect location for the next discussion on Jewish ethics or communal prayer space. It is here that diverse Jewish students will come together around their shared values. SEVEN HUDDLE ROOMS can be used for studying or socializing, while a large LOUNGE AND GAME ROOM will be a common space for students to relax, watch a basketball game or play a game of ping-pong.
Hillel’s JEWISH LEARNING CENTER will get an upgrade with a beautiful, contemplative area for students to deepen their understanding of Judaism. The learning center will include new furnishings and an expanded reading collection. Our community also needs support when pursuing new endeavors. ADDITIONAL OFFICES will give staff members the space they need to mentor students and keep them working toward their goals.
Set to break ground in 2022, the center more than doubles Maryland Hillel's footprint and returns Hillel to its roots near Fraternity Row. Located in the heart of downtown College Park, the bright and contemporary center will accommodate a growing roster of activities with spaces designed to meet changing student and community demands.
As one of the nation’s most vibrant organizations serving some 5,800 Jewish college students, Maryland Hillel is creating a cultural, social and spiritual hub that will serve the next generation of Jewish students and leaders.
On this campus, in particular, Hillel’s educational and spiritual support of our students could not be more important. We have one of the largest populations of Jewish students among U.S. public universities. Hillel gives them a nourishing home away from home.”
Alumni Recognition Wall
Read More →Rabbinic and Cantorial Group
Read More →Fast Facts
- Nearly 40,000 square feet
- 4 multipurpose rooms
- 7 huddle rooms
- Jewish Learning Center
- Staff offices
- Café with accompanying outdoor terrace
- Kosher dining hall
- Professional rehearsal space
- Lounge/Game room
- Curry Architects and Vertical Architects expected opening:
- September/October 2025
Floor Plans
First Floor

Second Floor

Naming Opportunities
All gifts are payable of a 5 year period.
Giving Level: $5-8 Million
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Building Name | $5,000,000 | Reserved |
Giving Level: $1-3 Million
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Dining Hall | $1,800,000 | Sponsor now |
Large Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) | $1,500,000 | Sponsor now |
Beit Midrash | $1,250,000 | Sponsor now |
Cafe | $1,000,000 | Reserved |
Medium Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) | $1,000,000 | Sponsor now |
Giving Level: $500-800K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Small Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) | $750,000 | Sponsor now |
Yoga/Acapella Suite | $540,000 | Sponsor now |
Board Room/Huddleroom Downstairs | $540,000 | Sponsor now |
Outdoor Pavillion | $540,000 | Sponsor now |
Foyer/Lobby | $500,000 | Reserved |
Large Student Pantry/Demo Kitchen | $500,000 | Sponsor now |
Giving Level: $100-360K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Director's Office | $360,000 | Sponsor now |
JLIC Office | $360,000 | Sponsor now |
Israel Program Suite | $360,000 | Sponsor now |
Classroom (1st Floor) | $300,000 | Sponsor now |
Coffeeshop Furnishings | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Engagement Staff Suite | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Lounge | $250,000 | Reserved |
Student Lounge Part 2 | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Rabbis Office | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Kitchen | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Security Fence | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Café Exterior Seating Area/Portico | $200,000 | Reserved |
Fishbowl Office | $200,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 1 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 2 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 3 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 4 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 5 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 6 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Office 7 | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Medium Huddle Room (Student Leadership Suite) | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Social Justice Suite (Medium Huddle Room) | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Named Building Art Fund | $180,000 | Sponsor now |
Furnishings | $150,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Large MPR | $125,000 | Sponsor now |
Small Huddle Room (4 Person) | $118,000 | Sponsor now |
Beit Midrash Ark | $100,000 | Reserved |
Computer Equipment | $100,000 | Sponsor now |
Guest Quarters, Back Of Yoga/Acapella Suite | $100,000 | Sponsor now |
Stage In Dining Hall | $100,000 | Reserved |
Giving Level: $50-75K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Pizza Oven | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
Dining Room Foyer | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
Sefarim | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
MPR Lobby | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Conference Room | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
Mother Room | $75,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Kitchen | $72,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Intern Suite | $72,000 | Sponsor now |
Elevator | $72,000 | Reserved |
Entrance Mezuzah | $54,000 | Reserved |
Mechitzah | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Mechitzah Large MPR | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Large MPR Furnishings | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Vestibule Foyer | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Medium MPR | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Small MPR | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Lounge Furnishings/Mosh Pit | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Demonstration Kitchen Equipment And Supplies | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Coat Room | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Distinguished Service Wall | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Maryland Couples Wall | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Room Scheduling And Display System | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Garden | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Organic Garden | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Giving Level: $25-45K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Sukkah | $43,000 | Reserved |
Classroom Furnishings | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Beit Midrash Furnishings | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Bimah | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Furnishings | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Bimah | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Personal Study Room 1 | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Personal Study Room 2 | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Personal Study Room 3 | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Piano | $36,000 | Reserved |
Shabbat Candle Lighting Station | $36,000 | Reserved |
Reflective / Memorial Garden | $36,000 | Reserved |
Welcome Area Seating | $25,000 | Reserved |
Readers Stand Large MPR | $25,000 | Reserved |
Furnishings | $25,000 | Sponsor now |
Golf Cart | $25,000 | Reserved |
Sukkah Furniture | $25,000 | Reserved |
Informational Display Screen | $25,000 | Sponsor now |
Giving Level: $10-20K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Readers Stand | $18,000 | Reserved |
Ner Tamid | $18,000 | Reserved |
Bimah | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Ner Tamid | $18,000 | Reserved |
Ner Tamid | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Reader Stand | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Ner Tamid | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Reader Stand | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Gaming Equipment | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Student Wall Nook (2 - Each) | $18,000 | Reserved |
Student Activity Storage | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Coverings | $15,000 | Reserved |
Mezuzah | $15,000 | Reserved |
Bimah | $15,000 | Reserved |
Water Station | $15,000 | Sponsor now |
Handwashing Station 2 | $11,000 | Reserved |
Deluxe Mezuzah | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Handwashing Station 1 | $10,000 | Reserved |
Beit Midrash Bookshelves | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Deluxe Mezuzah | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Coverings | $10,000 | Reserved |
Hand Washing Station 1 | $10,000 | Reserved |
Hand Washing Station 2 | $10,000 | Reserved |
Deluxe Mezuzah | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Coverings | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Ark Coverings | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Director's Office Mezuzah Deluxe | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Furniture For Program Staff | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Outdoor Benches / Seating | $10,000 | Sponsor now |
Giving Level: $3-8K
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Amplification For Each Multipurpose Room | $7,500 | Sponsor now |
Huddle Room Furnishings Across The Board | $7,500 | Sponsor now |
Smaller Outdoor Planters | $7,500 | Sponsor now |
Reception Desk | $5,400 | Reserved |
Emergency Door Mezuzot1 Standard | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Emergency Door Mezuzot 2 Standard | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzot 1 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzot 2 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzot 3 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzahs 1 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzahs 2 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzahs 3 | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Furnishing For Exec Director Office | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Standard Mezuzah | $5,400 | Sponsor now |
Inner Door Mezuzah | $5,000 | Reserved |
Furnishings For Rabbis' Office | $3,600 | Sponsor now |
Furnishings For JLIC Office | $3,600 | Sponsor now |
Other Naming Opportunities
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Maryland Hillel Ambassadors | $54,000 | Sponsor now |
Maryland Hillel Visionaries | $36,000 | Sponsor now |
Maryland Hillel Builders | $18,000 | Sponsor now |
Maryland Hillel Friends | $5,000 | Sponsor now |
Staff Positions
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Executive Director | $5,000,000 | Sponsor now |
Jewish Learning Initiative Couple | $3,000,000 | Sponsor now |
Associate Director | $2,500,000 | Sponsor now |
Senior Jewish Educator | $2,500,000 | Sponsor now |
Director of Jewish Student Life | $1,500,000 | Sponsor now |
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Shabbat and Dinner Programming | $1,500,000 | Sponsor now |
High Holiday Program | $500,000 | Sponsor now |
North-Campus Shabbat Programming | $500,000 | Sponsor now |
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Fellowships | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Leadership Retreat | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Jewish Women's Leadership Conference | $250,000 | Sponsor now |
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Year-Round Service Learning Program | $250,000 | Reserved |
Alternative Break | $175,000 | Sponsor now |
Naming Opportunities | Prices | Sponsor Status |
Security Endowment | $540,000 | Sponsor now |
National Hillel Basketball Tournament | $360,000 | Sponsor now |
Alumni Brick Campaign
Pave the way towards a strong Jewish future.
Commemorate. Build YOUR Terp Legacy.
Purchase your brick today and be a part of laying the foundation
for Hillel’s new home. These bricks will be placed in the
entrance walkway to the building. All gifts are payable over a 5
year period.
Choose from the following brick options:
Maryland Hillel
Phone: 301.422.6200
Email: Ari Israel, Executive Director
The new Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Maryland Hillel Center will be the heart of Jewish life at the University of Maryland, a physical promise to foster innovation as we serve and empower thousands of students each year. Through these new doors, you’ll find a hub of student activity, collaboration and creativity.
Your gift to the new Ben and Esther Rosenbloom Maryland Hillel Center will ensure Maryland Hillel can:
- Prepare students for leadership
- Cultivate and strengthen Jewish identity
- Create personal growth through Jewish tradition
- Build a robust and supportive community
- Inspire Jewish religious expression
- Foster affinity for Israel
- Celebrate Jewish life
- Inspire all students to reach their potential